Acudetox – become a trainer


Apply to be an ear acupuncture trainer

Our trainers are the very foundation of our organisation, and we are delighted that you are interested in joining our company, to be eligible, you must have a minimum of:

  • 2 years of practice using Ear / Acu Detox protocol.
  • 2 years of experience in addiction, trauma, prisons, or mental health treatment or similar.
  • Be the member of a professional association.
  • Be insured for the use of acupuncture within your scope of practice.

Preferebaly you should also have;

  • A formal teaching qualification.
  • 2 years experience teaching.
  • Experience in teahcing small and larger groups.
  • Experience in assessing and providing feedback to students.


Application Requirements

  • Current CV with photo.
  • Copy of acu-detox acupuncture certificate / full acupunctrure training.
  • Brief letter of intent describing your experience with acu detox including dates and types of programs in which you have provided acu detox treatments (minimum of 2 years).
  • Why you want to become a trainer.
  • How you have promoted, supported, and advocated acupuncture / acu-detox services in your area.
  • 2 references.
  • Copy of Insurance.


Application Process

  • Contact CPDG Ltd to request an application.
  • Submit application with appropriate paperwork to the office.
  • Application review process usually takes 1-3 weeks.
  • If approved, you will be paired with a senior trainer.
  • After co-facilitating one or more trainings with your mentor, and upon recommendation by your mentor, you will be approved to become a registered trainer.


Responsibilities of a Trainer

  • Adhere to your profesional association / regulators codes of conduct performance and ethics.
  • Maintain a current professional organisation membership.
  • Maintain minimum standards of self care and professionalism
  • Comply with the continuing education CPD requirement of your professional association / regulator.
  • Provide trainings only through the company.
  • Attend national trainer meetings on a bianual basis (minimum 1 every 2 years).


Contact us to apply for an application pack.

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